Online Programs Welcome to Brescia Online!


2016- 2017年,布雷西亚在线大学在肯塔基州排名第二 Affordable Colleges Online. Schools were recognized for a balanced combination of affordability, academic rigor, support and flexibility.

Associate degrees

Associate of Science in Business

布雷西亚大学的在线商务专业为学生介绍基本的商业模式和现代商业实践. 学生还学习在各种组织和环境中开展业务所需的技能.

Associate of Science in Psychology

在线心理学副学士课程为学生提供心理学入门课程,并为多种职业道路提供坚实的基础. 学生还可以继续攻读布雷西亚大学完全在线的心理学学士学位和临床心理学理学硕士学位.

Associate of Arts or Science in Integrated Studies

布雷西亚大学的在线综合研究艺术或科学副学士课程允许学生创建一个定制的课程,以帮助他们实现个人和职业目标. Students experience a broad education and learn a number of critical skills, including communication and math literacy.

Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts

文科在线副学士学位为学生提供了广泛的交流领域的知识基础, language and literature, religion and philosophy, fine arts, natural science and math, and studies in social and behavioral sciences.

Associate of Arts in Human Services

人类服务是研究和向个人和社区提供人类和社会服务. 人类服务副学士学位为学生在各种人类服务机构的入门级职位做好准备.

Associate of Arts in Theology

神学课程以罗马天主教信仰传统为基础,反映了梵蒂冈第二届大公会议对普世主义的承诺, religious liberty, a deeper study of the wellsprings of the sources of the Catholic tradition, and a reaffirmation of traditional religious vocations. 这个副学士学位提供了知识和技能的基础,并将为毕业生继续攻读布雷西亚大学神学文学学士学位做准备. Supported by a strong liberal arts tradition, Brescia students are empowered to aspire to an independent spirit, creative adaptability to change, and openness to lifelong learning.

General Education Courses

Brescia University is bringing online general education courses to you! 在线课程将为专门的校园通识教育课程提供一个很好的替代途径,并将减少时间表的冲突和空白. 布雷西亚的在线课程是最大化你的时间和实现你的潜力的理想方式.

Communication Sciences and Disorder Prerequisites

布雷西亚大学为拥有其他领域学士学位的学生提供在线传播科学和障碍预修课程. Students can become eligible to apply for the M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology in as little as one year. Learn more at: Pre-SLP

Bachelor degrees

Bachelor of Science in Business

The business world is competitive and fluid. 随着商业模式和理论的发展,当今商界男女的技能也必须与时俱进. 如果你的事业开始停滞不前,那就回到学校重新开始吧. 布雷西亚大学的商学学士学位课程由在该领域经验丰富且有成就的教师完全在线管理.

Bachelor of Science in Business with an Emphasis in Human Resource Management

The Bachelor of Science Degree in Business, Emphasis in Human Resource Management, 为学生提供商业模式和现代商业实践的知识, as well as an in-depth study of Human Resources.  According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Human Resource Managers are vital to the strategic operation of any business, and service as an important link between management and employees.  从2019年到2029年,人力资源经理的就业预计将增长6%, faster than the average for all occupations.  布雷西亚大学商学学士学位课程以人力资源管理为重点,由在该领域有经验和成就的教师完全在线管理.

Bachelor of Science in Accounting

布雷西亚大学提供的在线商学学士学位是为成年学生设计的. 在线商业学位可以在上课和完成作业的同时完成,随时随地都可以方便地使用自己的电脑.

Bachelor of Science in Communication Science and Disorders

布雷西亚大学的100%在线传播科学与障碍学士学位包括课堂学习和实践经验,在积极的学习环境中,学生在追求教育的过程中拥抱个性. 语言病理学家是评估和治疗与语音产生有关的问题的卫生保健专业人员, comprehension and production of language, cognition, voice, stuttering, swallowing, 以及由于各种病因导致的人一生的听力. At Brescia, 我们坚持美国语言听力协会的现行标准,挑战和准备我们的学生,因为他们继续进入布雷西亚大学的硕士课程.

Bachelor of Arts or Science in Integrated Studies

综合研究文科或理科学士学位旨在为学生提供自由和责任来开发个性化的项目. Upon completion of Integrated Studies requirements, the B.A. or B.S. degree is conferred according to the university standards for those degrees.

Bachelor of Arts in Theology with Emphasis in Pastoral Studies

神学文学学士与教牧研究学位完成计划提供高效和高质量的神学和教牧研究课程. 这个在线学位完成为教会志愿者和牧师提供了一个完成神学学位的途径.

Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

社会工作学士课程为寻求学位的学生提供社会工作领域所需的知识, as well as opportunities for practical application.

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

心理学学士学位完成课程为学生提供高级心理学培训,并为包括商业在内的多种职业道路奠定基础, law school, social science, behavior sciences, and more.

Master degrees

Certificate in Accounting Program – Post Baccalaureate

布雷西亚大学提供会计加速在线证书课程,专门为已经在其他领域获得学士学位的人设计. 那些不能参加传统课堂的个人现在可以在网上学习会计课程.

Master of Business Administration

布雷西亚大学的工商管理硕士课程是专门为有经验的人设计的, 时间意识强,具有领导潜力和较强的定量分析能力. MBA课程的主要目标是使参与者具备在竞争日益激烈的全球工作环境中作为组织领导者有效和道德运作所需的技能和能力. 国际学生入学时可以参加课程实习培训(CPT).

Master of Science in Clinical Psychology

布雷西亚大学临床心理学理学硕士课程旨在为学生准备各种医疗保健服务. Direct and supportive services include diagnosis and treatment of an emotional, mental, anxiety, or addictive disorder that affects the function of individuals, groups, or families. 临床心理学理学硕士课程为学生准备满足在肯塔基州成为心理助理(LPA)所需的教育和实习要求. 准备在肯塔基州申请下一级执照的有执照的心理助理, 布雷西亚大学提供额外的课程,一些学生可能需要成为有执照的心理医生.

Master of Science (M.S.) in Speech-Language Pathology

Brescia University’s Master of Science (M.S.语言病理学(speech- language Pathology)课程旨在帮助学生为日益发展的语言和交流障碍领域做好准备,并培养语言病理学家提供全方位的交流服务.The Master of Science (M.S.布雷西亚大学的语音语言病理学(远程教育)教育项目是美国语音语言听力协会听力学和语音语言病理学(CAA)学术认证委员会认证的候选人, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700. Candidacy is a “preaccreditation” status with the CAA, awarded to developing or emerging programs for a maximum period of 5 years.

Communication Sciences and Disorder Prerequisites

布雷西亚大学为拥有其他领域学士学位的学生提供在线传播科学和障碍预修课程. Students can become eligible to apply for the M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology in as little as one year. Learn more at: Pre-SLP

Master of Social Work

布雷西亚大学的社会工作硕士学位为具有专业技能的高级通才社会工作者提供治疗, address complex problems, use evidence-based practice interventions, engage in scientific inquiry, 并在他们的工作环境中扮演领导角色,代表专业. 布雷西亚的城市垃圾项目教授全国各地社会工作者所需的高级技能.

Certificates Online

Theology Certificate Program

布雷西亚大学神学证书课程为希望在教会中担任教理和/或教理部长角色的学生做好准备, 为可能已经在服事教会的学生提供继续教育, to cultivate the personal, spiritual, theological, pastoral, and professional qualities needed for effective Christian ministry, to assist students in discerning their vocation to love, 并为希望以后攻读神学/教牧研究学位的学生提供基础知识基础.